Author: admin

  • Frozen Morning

    Frozen Morning

    There is always something to photograph at the nearby ponds. I don’t stay there long in winter, but I caught a nice morning fog there.

  • Analog Photodump – January

    Analog Photodump – January

    I still continue to shoot with my old analogue Leica M2 nad HP5 400 film. Most often I have a Summarit 2.4/35 asph lens on it. I do the whole process of developing and scanning at home. Apart from shooting at the Nekázanka photo club, I shoot with the M2 pretty much every day.Here is…

  • Photo Walk at the End of the Year

    Photo Walk at the End of the Year

    My friend Ondrej and I went to a nearby closed military base just before the end of the year. It was freezing, but sunny. Not much was left of the base, but it was a very interesting walk. I took my analogue camera this time. M2 + Fomapan 400 (Fomapan R09 12 min.)

  • Christmas Mood
  • Photo essay: The Way to Work

    Photo essay: The Way to Work

    Daily morning commute to work. A journey lasting sometimes half an hour, sometimes an hour. Time just after dawn. On the way, we meet other people with the same destination: The city. We are sleepy, often not fed and full of tasks and needs. We are all on the roads and yet alone. An hour…

  • Some experimental autumn photos

    Some experimental autumn photos

    Summer is over, but my interest in analogue photography is certainly not over. For the autumn shoot I pulled out and revived my Olympus OM2n with a 1.8/50 Zuiko lens. On a recent trip to a nearby forest, I tried to capture the atmosphere again. Not to bring the sharpest photo or the most perfect…

  • Sembera Valley 2.
  • Sembera Valley

    Sembera Valley

    Leica M240 + Summicron 2/50

  • Summer ´24

    Summer ´24

    This summer has been eventful. One of these very successful events was the medieval festivities at Točník Castle. I took my Leica IIIf with classic Elmar 50/3.5. Inside was Fomapan 100. At the end of the holiday I developed the film in Rodinal (1+50) and took the photos. I’m really happy with the photos.

  • Sazava river – Floods 2024

    Sazava river – Floods 2024

    After a long time, something happened that no one expected. The floods. A moment no one wants to experience. at the mercy of nature, which shows us who’s in control. On Saturday, I took my Leica and drove to the nearby Sázava River. The water wasn’t at any maximum level yet, but still the power……