Category: Uncategorized
Frozen Morning
There is always something to photograph at the nearby ponds. I don’t stay there long in winter, but I caught a nice morning fog there.
Analog Photodump – January
I still continue to shoot with my old analogue Leica M2 nad HP5 400 film. Most often I have a Summarit 2.4/35 asph lens on it. I do the whole process of developing and scanning at home. Apart from shooting at the Nekázanka photo club, I shoot with the M2 pretty much every day.Here is…
Photo Walk at the End of the Year
My friend Ondrej and I went to a nearby closed military base just before the end of the year. It was freezing, but sunny. Not much was left of the base, but it was a very interesting walk. I took my analogue camera this time. M2 + Fomapan 400 (Fomapan R09 12 min.)
Photo essay: The Way to Work
Daily morning commute to work. A journey lasting sometimes half an hour, sometimes an hour. Time just after dawn. On the way, we meet other people with the same destination: The city. We are sleepy, often not fed and full of tasks and needs. We are all on the roads and yet alone. An hour…
Some experimental autumn photos
Summer is over, but my interest in analogue photography is certainly not over. For the autumn shoot I pulled out and revived my Olympus OM2n with a 1.8/50 Zuiko lens. On a recent trip to a nearby forest, I tried to capture the atmosphere again. Not to bring the sharpest photo or the most perfect…
Summer ´24
This summer has been eventful. One of these very successful events was the medieval festivities at Točník Castle. I took my Leica IIIf with classic Elmar 50/3.5. Inside was Fomapan 100. At the end of the holiday I developed the film in Rodinal (1+50) and took the photos. I’m really happy with the photos.
Sazava river – Floods 2024
After a long time, something happened that no one expected. The floods. A moment no one wants to experience. at the mercy of nature, which shows us who’s in control. On Saturday, I took my Leica and drove to the nearby Sázava River. The water wasn’t at any maximum level yet, but still the power……
Motocross vol. 2
Over the weekend I stopped by a motocross race in a nearby town again. Again hot, again lots of dust. I shot everything with a Leica M240 and a Summicron 50/2 III fixed lens. Of course I can’t compete with sports photographers and their equipment, but I was there for almost 3 hours. And I…
Motocross Action!
On Saturday, the 2nd Jaroslav Falta Memorial in motocross was held nearby. I’ve never been to an event like this (I’m not a fan of motorbikes), but I have to say I had a great time all afternoon. It should be noted that I shot everything on an old Leica M240 with a 50/2 lens…
The Little Swamp
I’m a big fan of analogue photography. I get a completely different feeling from these photos. It’s not better or worse, it’s just different. Once as a kid my dad gave me a small Beiretta and some film and I would regularly take pictures and bring them to the collection room to be developed. Then…
Old Car Festival in Kostelec 2024
A festival of vintage cars and old tractors was held in a nearby town on a summer weekend. The event, which was well attended, was held in the town square of the small town. It was quite hot, so I was at the event for about an hour, but I managed to catch everything. I…
Welcome to my small piece of World
Hi, my name is Viktor and here I will post some of my photos and texts which I will not put in galleries. I’m getting more and more frustrated with social media, so I figured instead of posting more garbage on the networks and chasing likes, I’ll channel my energy into my site. I don’t…